Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Welcome back to the 2014/15 Session at Clydebankgeography

A big 'welcome back' to all our Geography pupils at CHS and an extra big 'Welcome' to our new S1 pupils! We're sure that you will have a great time with us this year and we have a fine selection of trips lined up for each year group...starting with S2 in September.
This year Clydebankgeography headed to the glorious beaches on the Yorkshire coast to create the 'welcome' sandcastle. The 1-D design was chosen mainly because it was just too darned hot to create anything else! Clydebankgeography also enjoyed accidentally being part of a beach survey done by  a 'swarm' of geography students from another geography department, but had to resist the urge to join-in because it was the holidays. Clydebankgeography likes the collective term 'swarm' to describe geographers busy at their fieldwork and may use it in further reports this session...